Prodotto da Liburia Records ed incluso nel catalogo Experimental, “Speira” è il nuovo album di Francesco Di Cristofaro, il giovane polistrumentista casertano attivo da diversi anni in ambito nazionale ed europeo, tra ricerca sonora, etnomusicologia e nuovi linguaggi.
Frutto degli ultimi anni di lavoro in studio, le cinque tracce che delineano la forma del disco, ideate e registrate a Sant’Arpino - Caserta - tra il 2018 ed il 2020 e masterizzate a New York da Taylor Deupree, raccolgono l’universo sonoro di Di Cristofaro, che trova terreno fertile nel riversare sonorità e strumenti tradizionali nella rielaborazione elettroacustica, tra minimalismo e drone music. L’uso della fisarmonica, di alcuni plettri e dei vari strumenti a fiato provenienti da Cina, India ed Armenia, con l’uso di diversi field recordings, registrati tra Cina e Italia nel 2019, si intreccia con la massiccia rielaborazione sonora attraverso l’uso dell’elettronica a creare lunghe tessiture microtonali e parti cicliche che fanno di quest’album un mosaico di tasselli che formano un unica grande traccia.
Il disco è disponibile in versione digitale ed in versione fisica in edizione limitata da 100 copie.
Francesco Di Cristofaro - bansuri, dizi, bawu, zurna, accordion, baglamas, bouzouki, rabel,
stylophone, electronics, field recordings
Rec & Mix: Francesco di Cristofaro
Mastering: Taylor Deupree, New York 2021
Produced: Liburia Records 2021
CrepitacÅlum is a composition from 2019 formed by several fragments of field recordings made between 2015 and 2019 on the occasion of several Holy Weeks between Southern Italy and Spain. The 25 sound fragments used, superimposed and organized in a geometric structure, form a sound scenario in which background and figure alternate and cancel each other out, and in which the elements are reproduced in a geometric way in different parts of the composition returning in points and different overlaps. The idea is to create in the course of the composition, through this sound defragmentation, an anecdotal focus by tracing sounds and points in common between the different religious rituals that unite the holy weeks between Southern Italy and Spain.
- ViaSanGiacomo Soundscape -
This research work on the soundscape is focused on the urban area of ​​Sant’Arpino, an Italian municipality of 15,000 inhabitants straddling the suburbs of North Naples and the beginning of the area called Terra Felix: the province of Caserta.
The study area selected and analyzed is that of Via San Giacomo, the main of the 4 courses leading to Piazza Umberto I, the city's social and commercial center, as well as the main link between the city center and Via De Gasperi, the connecting artery between Sant'Arpino and the provincial road Caivano - Aversa.
The picture resulting from the final composition of the soundscape of Via San Giacomo, is that of a classic urban / city course, with the constant presence of vehicles and passing cars that create the background and therefore the tonic of the sound landscape in question. The signs present are many and continuous: clacson, barking dogs, the opening of the various shutters, the voices of passers-by, the opening and closing of the various doors in the vicinity. The main characteristic mark is that of the bell of the church of Sant’Elpidio Vescovo, a few meters from Via San Giacomo.